Did you know that the key to selling your book starts with a captivating book blurb? Whether you're an established author or just starting out, mastering this essential skill is vital for achieving maximum impact and book sales.

Niche Marketing aims to target a specific audience with a certain marketing and positioning strategy, rather than multiple audiences at once. This allows the author to potentially make more income – with less advertising cost. I advise all my authors to use this principle to better define a target reader

I have a confession to make. When I first heard about the 48-hour Author weekend workshops or the fast-start KPI program, I wasn’t really sure if that was possible. You know, how can you write a book in a weekend? Well, the answer is simple. You can’t. But you can

It’s always hard to get book sales via print on demand or independent bookstores anyway; it’s even harder when you cannot do in-person launches. So how can we improve on low book sales after Christmas, in lethargic January? First of all, down-under we have the advantage of many parents taking

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