Two Rivers Run

Two Rivers Run
Book Description:

Two Rivers Run is the tale of the first European to settle in Gippsland, Samuel Anderson, along with his partner Robert Massie.  The author brings together for the first time inspiring stories of resolute, hard-working, and courageous Scottish pioneer-settlers. People who saw the potential of Western Port when most others chose Port Phillip. Large format, 185 pages.

Being the editor and project advisor for this diverse and full colour history book, our support entailed editing the blurb, 2 rounds of line editing, proofreading, title feedback, finalising the bibliography, and referrals to indexer and designer.

“Thanks for the manuscript, the Bibliography looks great, you have done a magnificent job.  In terms of time you spent on the drafts, it was in my opinion, value for money.  I can’t think how you could have achieved a better result.  You were willing to take on work from someone with an appalling grasp of the fundamentals of English grammar, someone who frequently strayed from the subject at hand, someone who didn’t understand the publishing process, basically someone who needed a lot of guidance.  You did all that and more in good humour and spirits, thank you, it has been an honour to work with you.”